At kumkeo you encounter specialists with longstanding practical experience. Our initial discussions will give you a clear insight into the quality of our work.

We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

Software development and system tests for lab and process technologies

The client:
Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH

As a leading international manufacturer of lab and process technologies, Sartorius and its Lab Products & Services division is the world’s second largest provider of laboratory weighing technologies. The product portfolio focuses on high-quality lab tools, such as lab scales, pipettes and lab water equipment.

Our services:

  • Design and implementation of control software for
    • Weighing technology
    • Heating technology
  • Consulting for the Bioprocess solutions segment in the areas of
    • Testing and test automation
    • Software design and development
  • Support in planning and implementing testing activities to accompany developments and products
  • Development of an innovative user interface

Weighing technology


When developing the control software for the draft shield for the high-precision Cubis® analytical balance and Cubis® MCM manual mass comparator, we created the object-oriented design in UML. We used C++ as the programming language for the realization, and SeggerEmbos as the real-time operating system on a Renesas RX62 microcontroller.

Other tasks included the bidirectional data connection to the control element, the internal balance ionizer and module to measure the temperature, air pressure, humidity and brightness based on the CanOpen protocol, as well as the implementation of drivers and algorithms.

Heating technology


We designed and implemented heating module control software for the MA series of moisture analyzers. The UML-based design following a wide range of development tasks, including

  • Sensor connection using a separate 24-bit-A/D converter
  • User interface connection via client’s own communication protocol
  • Implementation of a control algorithm for the heating element

Bioprocess Solutions

When Sartorius developed a new product for the bioprocess industry, kumkeo supported the planning and implementation of testing activities to accompany the development and production processes, and also assisted in the development of an innovative user interface. This allows the central touchscreen-based control of all types of lab applications.

We performed all of the project work at our “Central Development” location in Hamburg.

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