At kumkeo you encounter specialists with longstanding practical experience. Our initial discussions will give you a clear insight into the quality of our work.

We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

PROFINET pre-certification tests

PROFINET certifications in accredited laboratories cost time and money. If a device fails to pass the inspections and tests, considerable time and financial expenditure arises due to the required iteration of certification procedures.

We will guide you through to device certification and carry out pre-certification tests within our PROFINET test environment in accordance with PROFINET conformance classes A, B and C and netload classes.

The benefits for our customers

  • Timely indication of device readiness for PROFINET certification up-front during the course of development
  • Early clarity with regard to any necessary device modification
  • Reduction of time and cost spent on iteration steps at an accredited lab

Our services at a glance

We check that the devices comply with PROFINET/PROFIsafe standards according to the PROFINET test specification V2.43, notify the customer if deviations are established and detail what needs to be done to achieve successful certification at an accredited laboratory. If the device is then modified on the basis of the results, we will retest the device subject to an hourly rate. We carry out the standard test procedure in accordance with conformity classes A, B and C.

In addition, we perform an interoperability test to confirm reliable communication between your implemented bus protocols and the controllers of various manufacturers, including Siemens and PHOENIX CONTACT.

Order form for device testing service


Your contact

Klaas Sobottka
Test Equipment Development Specialist
T: +49 40 2846761 0

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