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We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

Environment recognition: software optimization for laser scanners

The client:
Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH

Ibeo Automotive Systems is the market leader in the development of high-tech laser scanners for environment recognition in the automotive industry.
Their portfolio of services includes innovative driver assistance and active security systems, such as autonomous driving, automatic emergency brake assistant, adaptive speed control and pre-crash applications.

Our services:

  • Optimize primary Ibeo Laser View (ILV) software
  • Further enhance testing and development tools
  • Develop Ibeo Software Development Kit

The Ibeo Laser View (ILV) software is used to present raw measurement data (“scan points”) and object information for testing and analysis. Our work for this client primarily involved developing algorithms to determine the static environment and available space, and also detect concealed moving objects.

Bild SW


The illustration shows a typical traffic situation with the data generated by the laser scanner and the algorithms that run on it. The video screen at the top left shows the scenario from the driver’s perspective. All information in the bird’s eye view perspective is generated from the laser scanner measurement data in real time. The corresponding vehicle is found at the starting point of the coordinate system (intersection point of the red and green axes).

Our work also included implementing a large number of innovations, such as labeling objects, connecting new sensors and converting the CAN interface. After this work was completed, we expanded the testing and development tools for the ILV software and further developed the Ibeo Software Development Kit. This is used as a connecting layer between the Ibeo sensors and frameworks that makes it possible to create independent algorithms.

We implemented this project using C++, C, boost, Qt (OpenGL) and bash scripts. We used Eclipse under Linux with gcc and make for the development environment, as well as Visual Studio 2008/2010/2012 under Windows for both platforms with CMake and make.

“We’ve worked closely with the team at kumkeo since 2011. We’ve always been able to count on the personal advice as well as the reliable, quick service provided by kumkeo when searching for qualified, highly specialized software developers. We greatly appreciate kumkeo’s ability to provide us with developers that not only have the special skills we need, but also work extremely well with everyone else at our company. It’s a great fit for us with our focus on service, customer orientation and state-of-the-art technical innovation.” 

Michael Köhler, Head of System Development,
on working with kumkeo

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