At kumkeo you encounter specialists with longstanding practical experience. Our initial discussions will give you a clear insight into the quality of our work.

We always deliver on our promises. In the case of development projects, we assume system responsibility from the very outset. We provide support in the form of practical concepts within the project planning phase and throughout every phase of implementation. Drawing on our solid expertise, we coordinate our work to precisely meet your requirements.

We offer you a great deal more than technical performance. In addition to our IT know-how, our specific forte is developing solutions through efficient and explicit communication.

march 30, 2023 Working for kumkeo: a testimonial

“Everything is just the way it should be”, says Eike Koopmann, who joined kumeko as a software developer almost 5 years ago after completing a master’s degree in computer engineering. A multifaceted working environment in a variety of sectors and the professional and solution-oriented approach are what attracted Eike to the company. He values the constructive cooperation within the team, discussions with experienced colleagues and working with tools such as Jira and Confluence.

The fact that he can bring his own ideas to the table and that his skills are appreciated at every level is also key for Eike Koopmann. When asked to estimate his personal feeling of wellbeing at kumkeo on a scale of 1 to 10, he spontaneously responded with the maximum 10 out of 10. From his perspective, anyone looking to work in an innovative developing environment is in good hands at kumkeo.

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